Hosted by Green College and the Department of Philosophy, University of British Columbia
16-18 November 2023

If standpoint theory is to realize the liberatory ambitions that inspired it, this is a crucial juncture at which to take stock of its contentious history and varied legacies, and to chart a course forward. To this end, the Standpoint Working Group hosted a workshop at the University of British Columbia that brought together scholars from a variety of subfields in philosophy whose recent work clarifies and assesses the central aims and assumptions of standpoint theory.
Program and abstracts available here.
Thursday, November 16
Workshop Keynote & Green College Special Event
Sally Haslanger, Ford Professor of Philosophy, MIT
The Path-Dependency of Knowledge and Value: Co-Designing Critical Social Interventions
Video avaiable here.
Friday, November 17
Workshop sessions: Green College Coach House
- 9:30: Coffee/tea
- 10:00-10:45 Standpoint Theory working group: introductions
- 11:00-12:00: Gaile Pohlhaus (Miami University), Epistemic Pressure Points & Intersectional Interdependence
- 12:00-1:30: Lunch
- 1:30-2:30: Wayne Wapeemukwa (Pennsylvania State & UBC), Speculative Expropriation: Marx’s Late and Incomplete Critical Theory of Dispossession
Workshop Keynote & Philosophy Colloquium
Quill Kukla, Professor of Philosophy and Director of Disability Studies, Georgetown University
Epistemic Diversity, Ignorance, and Nonideal Philosophy of Science
Video available here.
Saturday, November 18
Workshop sessions: Philosophy seminar room, Buchanan D-324
- 10:00: Coffee/tea and breakfast pastries
- 10:30-11:30: Natalie Ashton (Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam), Social Change, Online Communities, and the Importance of Collaborative Critical Reflection
- 11:45-12:45: Briana Toole (Claremont McKenna College), The Vanishing Self: Consciousness-Raising as an Epistemic Transformation
- 12:45-2:00: Lunch
- 2:00-3:00: Jingyi Wu (LSE), Five Faces of Epistemic Marginalization
- 3:15-4:15: Lidal Dror (Princeton), Theoretical Knowledge, and the Role of Allies in Social Movement
- 4:30-6:00: Closing panel – a discussion of the current state of standpoint theory, directions forward and implications for practice.